Treating White Spot Lesions Before, During, and after Orthodontics
Presenter: Dr. Luke Shapiro
Release Date: 9/29/22
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 9/29/25
AGD Subject Code: 780
Reviewed: 2024
Patients will constantly ask their orthodontist, “how can I get rid of those white spots?!” They do not want drilling and filling, just something simple that won’t hurt! Resin infiltration has become a great treatment option for patients who wish to address their aesthetic concerns. With orthodontists and dentists on the same page as to how to treat white spots, patients can receive the best care possible. In this CE webinar, we’ll review the protocol for treatment, including bleaching/whitening recommendations, and how incorporating an in-house digital bleach tray workflow can help optimize the process from start to finish.
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